Real Estate
Tsubasa started Real Estate business from 2010. Initially it was in small portion then based on demand Tsubasa has expanded it. Currently Tsubasa has 3 mansions where people live and 1 office building. Tsubasa also has few individual houses which they provide rent for living. Along with this Tsubasa also maintain one agency service to manage all its mansions and office rent.
All our buildings are equipped with modern facilities and some special facilities. Such as bathroom dryer, separate bathroom and toilet, modern kitchen system and strong security. Another specialty we have is delivery service box. This is very unique service, even if the tenant is not at home they can receive all type of delivery. Also to provide an added advantage to our tenant we have installed the laundry service in each building. All our tenants are happy with these facilities and most of them doesn’t move out from it unless they are shifting to new city.
Along with all other facilities Tsubasa manage to develop their all building near station. This is our main strength and bringing more and more tenant to us. In this tight schedule days people always want to have access to all necessary things close to their living place and Tsubasa ensure this from the beginning.
Going forward:
This business segment is going well and Tsubasa is happy as they can make their tenant satisfied. So, Tsubasa want to expand this business to extend open up their hand to serve more people in coming days.